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eBooks Formats:

  • What’s the Difference between Original Publisher PDF, True PDF, Image PDF in eBook Format details?

eBooks Formats mentioned in USMLE.shop Library website are based on eBooks Communities definitions of popular eBooks formats as follows:

  1. Original Publisher PDF a.k.a Retail PDF:This is the original layout PDF Format that is usually sold by Publisher, eBooks Stores & platforms, it has same page numbering of the print book, and High Quality Cover, index, Table of content pages (ToC), it’s a True Text PDF (searchable text).
  2. True PDF of any source: usually compiled by chapter-wise downloaded PDFs from publisher online access platforms where someone can either buy or subscribe to required eBooks, True PDF usually misses (beside Full Bookmarks) ToC, Index and HQ Cover unless mentioned otherwise, it’s a True Text PDF (searchable text).
  3. True PDF Converted from EPUB, HTML Pages or any other format: Usually PDF converted from Publisher EPUB for eBooks where no Publisher PDF is released, it’s a True Text PDF (searchable text).
  4. Image PDF in High Quality Vector images: Pages of this PDF Type are actually Images with no searchable text if no OCR was performed to recognize text using tools, usually acquired from Publisher online access on a flash based platforms where saved or printed PDF are like images without searchable text.
  5. Image PDF in Low quality printout or scan: Pages of this PDF Type are actually Images with no searchable text usually this is the PDF Format for very rare eBooks, like old titles for which no Publisher PDF was released, so only option is to scan the printed book.
  6. EPUB Format:Publisher EPUB released and sold in eBooks Stores, it’s a True Text EPUB (searchable text).
  7. CHM Format:Compiled HTML Pages from Publisher Online eBook Reading Platform with instant searchable text (like in web pages).

* OCR: is used to describe the process performed on image PDF using tools (like Acrobat Professional) to recognize all texts so it becomes searchable.

* Other eBooks Formats: DJVU, Mobi, NVA, PDB ..etc.

* When Format is mentioned like PDF without further details, it means either it’s image PDF+OCR (like True PDF) or it’s unrecognized exact PDF format.

Why USMLE.shop Library?:

  • Why would I use USMLE.shop Library website and not any other similar website selling USMLE,Board review materilas or eBooks at low prices?

Here are Few tips why you should buy only from USMLE.shop Library website not any other similar website (except official publisher or eBooks Stores):

  1. Download Videos and eBooks Instantly:You get Download Link immediately by unlocking protected content where download link is hidden, after Paying its cost.
  2. Prices:eBooks Library Materials Cost, Prices in Points are nothing more than symbolic, we don’t sell eBooks at publishers and stores prices, not even at half that price, only 5-10% ,Prices are lowest possible compared to any other website selling same materials, let alone that with our premium offers you can buy anything at half its listed price .

There are few similar websites selling eBooks where you have to pay for each item separately and then they will check your payment and send you download link to your email manually butthey don’t have contribution system or Team, no help or support section, no details about anything, Here in Medsouls Library, we are a team of experts in this field, no other website has same advantage, only regular users buying eBooks from resellers (like buying from us), in addition we have a contribution system, thus new users are joining as contributors, we try to be clear and honest and we provide full detailed pages explaining everything including how our website and request service work in addition to help topics and support.

Bottom Line: You are FREE to choose as well as any other website has the rights (in our point of view – not from a legal or moral point of view) to sell eBooks and also at any prices they want or think appropriate and everyone should recover expenses and get benefits and continue doing this kind of work and we actually encourage all websites admins working like us to continue providing knowledge for lowest prices (just as donations)  and everything mentioned above is nothing other than informative topic.

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You can contact eBooks Team or Admin of the website depending on your subject (please check about page) as well as you can use the contact form located here:


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